Want to get back on track?

Estrogen Replacement Therapy has many benefits to a woman’s health.

An estrogen imbalance in your body because of menopause may cause uncomfortable symptoms for you, such as hot flashes and chills, trouble sleeping and sweating excessively. Natural estrogen replacement therapy or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can relieve all of these symptoms and help you to feel like yourself again.

It’s time to find the New You.

All of our treatments—including our estrogen therapy—are based on the latest proven science. Whereas many other providers are looking to bring hormone levels back to normal, our objective is to get you to where you’re feeling significantly better, like you remember.


Symptoms of Estrogen Imbalance

Learn the basics

The female anatomy is a complex system of hormonal balances and responses. When this gets out-of balance, the signs can be seen in many areas such as decreased interest or pleasure from sex; dryness during menstruation cycle which could lead to infection due lack inflammation around your vaginal walls caused by decreasing estrogen levels – hot flashes/night sweats; mood swings including anxiety attacks along with irritability towards others because they’re not aware how much this affects us all! With replacement therapy you take back control over these aspects.


Estrogen Replacement Therapy

Improve yourself

If you’ve had a hysterectomy and no longer have your uterus, we can help with estrogen replacement therapy to make sure that all of those signs associated only come out when they should be doing so in order for things like mood swings or cramping. For example: If I’m still taking progesterone along side this natural bioidentical hormone called “estra-sol” then not only will it mess up any hormonal balance but also could potentially cause cancer!